Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood
A heartbreaking story based on real events surrounding a murder case in the 1800s with the accused being Grace Marks. The story as told by Margaret Atwood is however a work of fiction retold using the same places and dates as the actual story. As I read the book, I thought of a Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini. The story begins with Grace Marks as a child in Ireland. Her father an abusive alcoholic and her mother bearing children after children, the family is supported to some extent by Grace’s aunt and uncle. Finally fed up of supporting this ever-growing family, the uncle suggests a migration to Canada and to their luck, Grace’s father has been getting into some trouble with the law due to which he takes up the proposition. Unfortunately, Grace’s mother dies on the journey and is buried at sea. Grace later regrets using her mother’s second best blanket to wrap her dead body. Coming to Canada, life gets a bit better as she finds herself a maid in a...